Against Odds- LFK in Four Rural School

Madam Annette Chari, headteacher Mbagha Primary School in Taita Taveta county couldn't hide her smile when she picked three boxes of books from LFK. Her joy was equally felt in three other schools, Msorongo primary in the same county, Katisaa primary and Kalimeza primary schools in Kitui county. Even during these worst times, when COVID-19 has totally changed the way we live, LFK broke barriers and reached out to these schools through books and their generous donations.

All four headteachers from the four schools, on 4th of May, 2020, visited their respective post offices and collected three boxes each from LFK addressed to their schools. At first logistical challenges threatened to make the process difficult but where there is a will, God makes a way! Now, students in these four rural schools will have additional resources to utilize during the virus pandemic.

So far LFK has touched the lives of 11 schools and from the look of things, this is just the beginning! With more than 30 schools on the list, and more coming forward from Nairobi slums, this charity organization will do more than change one life in one rural setting! So far, the stakeholders in the rural schools where LFK has donated books highly appreciate the gesture as thanks to these books, rural kids can continue to revise and keep busy as they wait for the virus to abate.

COVID-19 pandemic has forced schools to remain shutdown and it has been difficult for the teachers in rural settings to help their students continue with learning considering the lack of resources like televisions, radios, electricity, computer or internet connection that supports e-learning.


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LFK Books in 11 Rural Schools