
  • Materials for Learning.

    Supplying teaching supplies is a future project.

  • Education for Teachers.

    Our team in Kenya has been trained on how teachers can get the most out of their libraries. Our team is training the teachers.

  • Support for Communities.

    In some situations, we have set up community libraries that schools in the area and the local community can use.

  • Book Clubs

    Our team in Kenya works on engaging the students by having them borrow a book from the library, write down 5 new words they find interesting, guess and write down the meaning of the words based on the context in the book, use the dictionary to find and write the definition, work with friends to spell words from the book and work on pronunciation, and form as many sentences as they can using these new words.

  • School Outreach.

    We would like to create a school outreach project to go into schools in America to let students know what school is like in rural Kenya. We need volunteers for this project.