LFK Enhancing Learning During the Month of October, 2020

As soon as learning resumed in Kenya, Libraries for Kids International (LFK) also resumed its operation with a bang! After being forced to stop sending books directly to primary schools in rural Kenya via the post office, LFK was eager to get back in action and continue with its mission of helping change the life of one child at a time by sending books and funds to schools in the rural regions. The first schools in the list were Shidley and Marothiley, both based in Wajir. These instututions had been scheduled to receive learning materials sometime before COVID-19 hit and forced the post-offices to shut down for a while. Marothiley primary school has zero learning and teaching materials and the teachers at these institutions are forced to improvise and use sacks and thread to design reading charts for their students. the creativity is impressive and the headteacher, Mr Nicholas Mboi Mutua, was very pleased and grateful for the funds he received for his school. Once he and Mr Mohammed at Shidley primary are able to, they would be sharing pictures and videos with their students enjoying gift from LFK.

Kalimeza and Katisaa in Kitui, as well as Msorongo and Mbagha in Taita Taveta were next in line. A week after LFK wired funds to Shidley and Marothiley, they also wired more money to these four primary schools in the two counties. Earlier this year, right before COVID-19 hit the country, the four schools had each received, three boxes of books with at least 100 books.


Students at Kalimeza Primary School Can't Hide their Joy!


LFK's IRS Tax Exemption ID