Join Shelley Smith in Supporting LFK

“A few years ago while volunteering in Haiti to help with art and English lessons at an orphanage. I wrote a little story and let each child illustrate a page. The book was about soil and how to improve it for gardening. It’s called “The Children’s Garden” on Amazon... by me (see pic below of cover). I recently found out about Libraries4kids, started by Mr. Roy Austin. They assist children in rural areas of Africa, providing them with books and materials to educate them, as in Haiti, this is one of the best ways to lift people from poverty. I will donate one of these books for every book purchased. You can purchase one for yourself or the organization. And any monies raised will continue to go back to the orphanage in Haiti by way of Nashville Gives Hope, an organization started by Mr. Jeff Ponchillia and his wife Helen. I met Jeff randomly in Haiti and told him about the orphanage. When I returned later, the children had toys galore ! Later Jeff started this organization to do much of the same thing in Haiti as Mr. Austin does in Africa... assisting with educational needs. I am making this an initiative to assist both of these groups in whatever small way I can. I still have friends like Yachou Larose Larose, Edouarzin Francois, Eben Fecu, Margarethe Achile & the man that gives 100% of his time caring for the children of one orphanage, Jean Jeacide Desir. I wish I could return and do more, Haiti has become a bit more difficult to return to, but I remembered the book and the stories of the children of Haiti may also inspire and educate the children of Africa.

"If you want to purchase a book they are $10 on Amazon. Keep it or send it to @libraries4kids... again, I will match the donation and any money raised will go to Jeff’s amazing group of kids in Haiti. Thank you for sharing and your support !!”


LFK Needed in Rural Schools


Katundu Primary School Thanks LFK for their Generosity