LFK Ships books to Four More Rural Schools in Kenya

On 14th March, 2020, LFK shipped books to Kalimeza, Mbagha, Msorongo, and Katisaa Primary Schools. The books should be arriving at the post offices in seven to 14 days. The headteachers are excited and appreciative of all LFK is doing for the students in the rural regions. The stories from the schools similar. Scroll to read.

Msorongo primary was started back in 1973. It is situated in a semi arid area. It has a preprimary class and primary classes from class one to class eight. The schools has a total of 263 students; 40 in preprimary, 223 in classes one to eight.

The ages of the students range between 4 and 16 years. In addition to being located in the remote rural town in Taita county, Msorongo's greatest challenge is lack of sufficient water and wild life conflict as the school has no fence and the security of the kids is compromised.

Kalimenza Primary School was started in 1988 and has progressed up to the date.It is seated on a three acre land, about six km from Kitui town.It has a  population of 150 learners. The school has been performing well despite lack of enough learning materials for the students. The ages of learners range between three and 15 years.

Some of the biggest challenges in the school are: (a) Lack of enough learning materials(b) Poor infrastructure in the school (c) Poor feeding habits

Katisaa primary is a Christian based school. It has 4 teachers and eight classrooms. School enrollment is 398 pupils and according to the headteacher, Mr. Alex Munyoki, the school is not in good condition because classes are old with no floor and not enough teachers.

"We have no reference books. Sanitation areas are pathetic. There is no fence/gate and no administration block" says Mr. Munyoki.

Mbagha primary school also has students aged between four and 15 years. Just like the rest, the school is in need reading materials. The stakeholders in the institution are ready to support the project and make the little contribution they can to build a library.


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