Parents and Leaders in Rural Kenya have Joined in to Help Establish Libraries in Schools

Word has spread like a bushfire in the rural areas where LFK Int'l has already sent some money and books to help establish libraries for the students. Parents and the community at large are getting inspired to be part of the solution!

In Kitui County, a teacher transferred from AIC Charity Ngilu Secondary School to Kavinga Primary and Secondary. They saw the need for the school to have a library and shared the idea! The parents responded very positively and instead of waiting for LFK to send them books, they have already started mobilizing the immediate community, alumni, and leaders in the community, to help with the library establishment. The first batch of books was delivered at the school in January by the committee established to oversee the construction and setting up of the library- Green Heart Foundation.

The head-teacher Katisaa Primary School is also mobilizing the community and local leaders to help support the school through renovation of run-down structures at the school.

A dream that started with just making an impact in one region, for one child, one mind at a time, is not only becoming a reality, but slowly drawing in more and more people! This noble gesture from LFK Int'l brings in a new phenomena in communities yet to see such amount of generosity from well-wishers, thousands of miles away! For that alone, capable individuals are challenged to join in and fight hunger of books in rural schools! Parents are encouraged to send their children to school, and teachers are motivated to go the extra mile, even after working hours, and help people hungry for knowledge, brighten their future!


37,500 Books Delivered by Libraries for Kids Int'l in a Remote Town in Kenya


All They Need is Someone to Extend a Helping Hand!