Thank you for Your generous donations during the Christmas Holidays

In December, Libraries for Kids International (LFK) received numerous gifts and this has made it easier for them to help more schools that have come forward asking for resources that could help them equip their libraries. So far, more than ten schools have been contacted and they are likely to receive the books LFK shipped to them by 5th February.

One of thebiggest challenges Libraries for Kids international is likely to continueexperiencing while connecting to these schools is communication as networkconnectivity is inferior in most of these areas. The head-teachers at Shildley,Maratholiey, Muamba, Waaso, Lambarah, Katundu, Katia, Kongoni, Maktau, andMwashoti among others, report that at their schools, there is limited networkcoverage and phone service. Sometimes these teachers have to make trips to thenearby town to use the internet or make long calls for proper communication.

However,despite the challenges faced, the teachers have embraced the project and areexcited to receive funding and books sent by the foundation for the benefit ofthe rural kids!


Learning in Rural Kenya


Libraries for Kids International has reached out to Muamba Secondary School