What Libraries For Kids, Int'l Needs

Message from Roy Austin

If you feel moved to help Libraries For Kids, Int’l, here is what we need besides money:

Speaking: We are available to speak to civic clubs, churches, men’s clubs, women’s clubs, etc. And I’m willing to travel to spread the word.

Celebrity Spokesperson: If you know someone or can connect us to a celebrity that would be a huge benefit

Partners: Our partners provide free services and in return, we put them on our website and feature them in our monthly e-newsletter. We are always looking for new partners

Shelves: Right now we need shelving for our storage space so if you are doing a remodeling job and taking out old shelves or bookcases please let me know.

Corporate Sponsor: While we have learned how to minimize the cost of shipping books, it is still expensive. We are investigating the possibility of shipping a container of books so having a corporate sponsor for this project would be a great help.


Books: Here is a list of the type of books the schools have requested and some general guidelines:

Cost/Benefit: It’s expensive to ship books so while some books may be of interest, we want to ship books that would the greatest probability of being beneficial. This is a judgement call. Any books we receive that we deem of minimal benefit will be donated to Goodwill.


Elementary and early middle school

Live in the bush. No electricity, plumbing, or internet

Animals like elephants may wander through the school yard

Not Appropriate:

Adult novels

College textbooks

Teacher’s guides – they use different textbooks

Medical guides – they don’t have access to treatments or equipment like in the USA

Biology World History Science WorldBooks/ Enclopeidas Agriculture
English & Grammar Math Geography Chemistry Science
Business Oral Skills Photography Statistics Atlas’s
Story Books Child Craft Encyclopedias Dictionaries Bibles Physics


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