A Fundraiser for Library for Kids International

Roy Austin has organized a fundraiser on behalf of Libraries for Kids International. The goal is to raise $100,000 to support operations, and anyone willing to contribute can do so by visiting our GoFundMe page. Any amount of donation is accepted, from as low as $5, and for all donors located in the US, all donations are 100% deductible.

Are you willing to offer your support to Libraries for Kids international? Visit the page and share it with all your contacts to help us achieve our goals.

So far, the funds from the fundraiser activities have assisted Libraries for Kids International mail books weighing 84lbs to Kyalilini primary school located in Kitui County, Eastern Kenya, 20lbs to Amboseli Primary and Secondary school at the Amboseli National park at Kajiado county, and 100lbs to Kwa-Mboo primary school, Kitui county.

More schools are on the horizon and Libraries for Kids International plans to make their dream of establishing a library come true.

Most of the schools in rural parts of developing nations have no access to the internet. The books available are few, and for most subjects, they only have one copy for the teacher. However, this has not prevented the communities from doing everything they can so that their children get an education. The sacrifice by communities involves changing their traditional way of life like in Amboseli, where the Massai community has changed their nomadic lifestyle to allow their children to attend school.

Libraries for Kids International has seen their determination and serves to give them a boost as they strive to make a difference for the present and future generations.


Thirst for Knowledge in a Rural School


Libraries for Kids International Equips Amboseli Schools with more Books