Libraries for Kids International Equips Amboseli Schools with more Books

Amboseli Primary and Secondary School are celebrating good news from the Libraries for Kids International. On 22nd October 2019, Roy Austin and his team of generous donors mailed books to both institutions. A total of 80 books, all weighing about 104lbs, were sent directly to two institutions, Kyalilini and Amboseli, costing Libraries for Kids International about $1,010 in shipment cost.

Of the books mailed by Libraries for Kids International, Amboseli school is set to increase its stock by about 20 books. So far, the school has received more than 150lbs of books since operations began in August 2019. In addition to mailing books directly to the institutions, Libraries For Kids International also sent them funds in September, which enabled the school to further equip its library with textbooks based on the Kenyan Curriculum. The gesture is just the beginning, as depending on their needs and storage space, Libraries for Kids International has promised to continue supporting Amboseli and other rural schools in Kenya they work towards realizing their dreams of having a library.


A Fundraiser for Library for Kids International


Low-country man looking for books to send to needy children