AIC Charity Ngilu Secondary School receives a generous donation from Libraries for Kids International (LFK)

On 23rd January 2020, LFK mailed three boxes of books to Madam Charity, the headteacher at AIC charity Ngilu secondary school. The boxes contained encyclopedias and an assortment of other reading materials that will be complementary reading for the students at the institution.

Librariesfor Kids International also wired them a generous amount of money to the bankaccount of the school. The funds are very much appreciated and the teacherpromised to use it to buy textbooks that their students require based on theKenyan Curricula.

Whileconfirming the reception of the funds to the bank account and news that morebooks will be arriving in less than two weeks to their mailing box, thehead-teacher could not hide her excitement and immediately reached out toexpress her thanks on behalf of the other teachers, students, and parents ofthe institution.

To Libraries for Kids international, you are God-sent to the communities you reach out. You have been leaving smiles on the faces of kids and teachers who can now see that with your continued support, their struggle for reading resources will be gone and they can comfortably study to “reach for the skies”!


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