"Definitely, Our Performance is Improving"

“So far and according to the received results, there’s a great improvement and more so, thanks to the donated books”. These are the words of the head-teacher Kwamboo Primary School. This was one of the first schools that received the first books from LFK Int’l in 2019.

The head-teacher at Kalimeza, another of the 11 schools that has already received donated books from LFK Int’l also mentioned that the performance is good and they will be sharing a detailed report later.

To the Head-Teacher at Kongoni Primary School, the books with short stories have played a big part in helping the students gain interest in Languages and writing essays for their class reports. The encyclopedias are challenging the learners to read beyond the curriculum, research, and ask questions during a lesson. Madam Mwabili further mentioned that thanks to the money send by LFK, Int’l in 2020, the ratio of books shared by the learners improved and overall improvement in their internal assessment tests can prove it. The school is scheduled to have the first class of candidates sit for their national examination in March 2022. However, the school doesn’t have adequate books for the new class 8 students. The leadership and the parents association are organizing fundraising to buy textbooks for class 8 students but the headteacher is afraid that they will have to wait for at least 2 to 3 years before they can have enough books: one book is shared by at least 2 or 3 students. The pandemic has hit hard, very hard in the rural settings as most of them rely on relatives working in the cities and unfortunately, most of the working relatives have lost their jobs to Corona.

At Lambarah Primary School, a school we are yet to send books to, the head-teacher mentioned that the performance is not too bad as the best student recorded 340 marks.

At Mbagha primary school, the headteacher attributes the +25 improvement in the mean score to the difference made by the books donated and bought by LFK Int’l. “ Hello, let me take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to this organization, last year we received books and cash of which we purchased more storybooks and revision materials, this has helped our school to record great improvement in our school performance, the school recorded a positive deviation of 25, which is great. On behalf of the school fraternity, I say thank you and God bless u as you continue supporting our schools and others.”


Libraries for Kids Int’l Picking the Interest of One Kid at a Time


“Help us Boost Performance in Languages”