“Help us Boost Performance in Languages”

That’s the message from the Head-Teacher Waluku Primary School in Kitui County where we are scheduled to distribute 22,000 books as soon as the lockdown ends sometime in June 2021. He sent the message soon after receiving the performance of his students and was very excited to share updates on the progress.

In the just-completed National Examinations 2020, many learners in public schools did well but they can be better. A little boost is all they need as demonstrated by 2020 candidates at Katundu Primary School, one of the schools that have already benefitted from LFK Int’l.  At Katundu Primary School, the highest boy and girl had 365 and 373 respectively with the lowest student scoring 236 marks. More than 30 pupils had 300 and hence all are qualified to join county and intercountry high-schools. It’s a big deal for a rural school to record such an outstanding performance considering the hardships posed by environmental settings. The mean score in the school was 324 indicating that even the 5 students who scored less than 300 marks have a chance to secure positions in the district secondary schools. Talking to the Operations Coordinator via text message Madam Florence thanked God for the excellent results and LFK Int'l for their support.

Right before COVID-19 hit Kenya in March, LFK Int'l shipped three boxes to the school and also send them funds to buy more books based on their immediate needs and Kenyan curriculum. The teacher, together with the parents invested the money wisely and the results are evident! Thanks to the books from LFK Int’l, students in Katundu Primary School were motivated to hold discussion groups regularly at the school compound, borrow the new books, and learn as much as possible during the time the schools had closed countrywide.

 More books will help the school further rise up the ladder and manage to send their best students to the national schools which only admit students who have scored 400+ in the national examinations.


"Definitely, Our Performance is Improving"


Libraries for Kids Int'l on the Way to Make Real Difference in Rural Kenya