Msorongo Primary School Gives Thanks to LFK for the Gift of Hope!

For the stakeholder at Msorongo primary school in Mwatate subcounty, Taita Taveta county, $500 is just not just a little token, it is a sign of hope, a reason to be thankful, a chance to look forward to a brighter tomorrow, and a reason to work harder so they can do better at school. As soon as Libraries for Kids Int'l wired the money to the school, the headteacher gathered her committee and together, they made a decision on what books to purchase for their learners. See the faces of the students in the images below.

New books to them mean an increased opportunity to tackle the end of year exam (Kenya Certificate of Primary Education) that determines whether they proceed to secondary school or not. It is exactly what they need at this time to compete at the same level as their counterparts in semi-urban or urban schools in the country.

Earlier this year, right before Covid -19 forced the schools in Kenya to be closed, Libraries for Kids Int'l had mailed about 100 books to the headteacher. The learners have been using the reference materials for their learning purposed, enjoying the leisure reading texts, and learning new words everyday! It's such a delight listening to the teachers describe the changes they have witnessed in their learners since Libraries for Kids Int'l knocked on their doors with boxes full of books!


Excitement Mounting for about 1200 Schools in Kenya!


Students at Kalimeza Primary School Can't Hide their Joy!