No Limit for Libraries for Kids, International (LFK)

Even though Libraries for Kids international is yet to celebrate its first birthday, the project has taken off at high gear and there is no limit to the lives it will change in the future. So far, the charity organisation has reached out and connected with more than ten schools in rural Kenya from different counties and it is connecting with many needy schools in the region.

LFK is also making plans to connect with individuals in Uganda and reach out to rural schools there. It has a dream to shape tomorrows’ future in the rural communities, and while it is a mind at a time, the impact is immense.

Libraries for Kids International has a mission to help schools with limited or no access to the internet, establish libraries for their students and enhance learning opportunities. The charity organisation vision is to eventually help rural schools in underdeveloped countries all over the world.


Kongoni Primary School received a generous donation from Libraries for Kids International (LFK)


More Rural Schools Coming Forward from Various County in Kenya